news in the
law and about
our office.


11. 11. 2021

Changes in telemarketing under the amendment to the Electronic Communications Act

On 18 October 2021, an amendment to Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on Electronic Communications and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts (the Electronic Communications Act), as amended (hereinafter the “Electronic Communications Act”), was published in the Collection of Laws. The amendment to the Electronic Communications Act brings significant changes, especially in the regulation of telemarketing, …

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29. 10. 2021

Changes in the area of cookies under the amendment to the Electronic Communications Act

On 15 September 2021, the Chamber of Deputies outvoted the Senate and adopted an amendment to Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on Electronic Communications and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts (the Electronic Communications Act), as amended (hereinafter the “Electronic Communications Act”). The amendment to the Electronic Communications Act brings significant changes, and in this article …

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15. 10. 2021

New Rules on Personal Data Transfer outside the EU

The cross-border transfer of personal data is a phenomenon without which international business cannot perform, and is common not only in global platforms such as SaaS[1] solutions, but also in the in-house data management of multinational corporations within shared systems (CRM, HR, etc.). In general Most contracts regulating or relating to the transfer of personal …

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04. 10. 2021

Tomáš Jančar – our new junior lawyer

Since October, Tomáš Jančar has joined our team as a junior lawyer. Tomáš graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague. He gains experience mainly in the fields of civil law, contract law and intellectual property law in another czech law firms. As a legal asistant he was working also for Czech Olympic …

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