Of interest.

Kategorie: Labour Law

26. 09. 2024

Scheduling of working hours by the employee

The recently adopted so-called transposition amendment to the Labour Code brought several significant changes and innovations in the field of employment law. In addition to changes in the rules of employee remuneration – minimum and guaranteed wages and salaries, collective bargaining, holiday scheduling, liability for construction work or working hours in the health care sector, …

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05. 09. 2024

Flexible amendment to the Labour Code

The year 2024 could be described in an employment law context as the “year of amendments”. There are countless amendments that have come into force, been adopted or are currently being discussed in the legislative process in the employment law area in this year. Following our previous article on the so-called transposition amendment to the …

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31. 07. 2024

Labour Code Transposition Amendment

Barely a few months have passed since the last part of the significant amendment to the Labour Code came into force and the government has come up with further proposals affecting the labour law sphere. Therefore, we have prepared article, in which se we will focus on the recently passed transposition amendment, which will come …

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11. 04. 2024

Liability for wage claims of subcontractors in the construction industry

At the end of last year, a law was passed without much fuss, which amended not only the Employment Act, the Act on the Protection of Employees in the Event of Employer Insolvency, the Labour Inspection Act, but also the Labour Code (the “Amendment”). The Amendment, with its effect in its majority from 1 January 2024, …

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