Kategorie: News
Prohibited practices of artificial intelligence under the AI Act
Artificial Intelligence (or also “AI”) may seem like an eternally inflected topic these days. Not long after the European Data Protection Board commented on the processing of personal data in the context of AI models, the European Commission (the “Commission”) came out with another document, Draft guidelines on prohibited AI practices under the AI Act.[1] …
Read moreLex Ukraine VII: temporary protection, conditions of residence and more
On 18 December 2024, the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill amending Act No. 65/2022 Coll, on certain measures in connection with the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine caused by the invasion of the troops of the Russian Federation, as amended, and other related laws (hereinafter as the “Amendment“). With the not very diminishing …
Read moreDPP and DPČ in 2025
Agreements on work performed outside an employment relationship are an important instrument of labour law that allows flexible and quick solutions to short-term work tasks. Both the Agreement to Complete a Job (in Czech “dohoda o provedení práce”, shortly DPP) and the Agreement to Perform Work (in Czech “dohoda o pracovní činnosti”, shortly DPČ) provide …
Read moreNotarial deed as an enforcement title to vacate a property
On 10 April 2024, the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic issued a resolution File No. 31 Cdo 225/2024-543, in which it dealt with the issue of a notarial deed with permission for direct enforceability as an enforcement title to vacate a property (hereinafter referred to as the “Resolution”). The Grand …
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