Of interest.

Kategorie: Corporations

13. 05. 2019

Due diligence: What to check before buying a company

The term “due diligence” is an established term within M&A (transactional) advisory that refers to the legal, economic, financial or technical review of a company that is subject to a transaction (often referred to as a target). The specifics of each transaction require an accurate, thorough and tailor-made due diligence, which increases the pressure on …

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17. 04. 2019

Czech Supreme Court’s new decision brings fundamental news in corporate law

Recently, the Czech Supreme Court has issued a groundbreaking decision file no. 27 Cdo 3885/2017 of 27 March 2019[1], in which it provides a legal analysis of fundamental and frequently discussed topics in the corporate law. You will find below a summary of important information and further description of opinions made by the Supreme Court in the …

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06. 03. 2019

Employee´s legitimate refusal to go on a business trip and compensatory wage

The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, in its recent decision dated October 9, 2018, f.n. 21 Cdo 1561/2018 dealt with the below-specified issues in the field of ​​labour law in relation to the instruction of an employee to go on a business trip abroad, namely in truck transport. Solved issues The Supreme Court in this decision considered the …

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24. 01. 2019

Business corporations act amendment

The extensive amendment of the Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives (Business Corporations Act) (“Business Corporations Act“), is now in the legislative process. The amendment of Business Corporations Act reflects primarily legal opinions of professional public. The most fundamental changes are in particular changes regarding: the conception of monistic system of internal …

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