Of interest.

Energy price caps and related support programs

Based on the Government Decree of 14 December 2022, with effect from 1 January 2023, the electricity and gas prices for large industrial companies and other companies not previously covered by the earlier Government Decree of 5 October 2022 were capped.

With effect from 1 January 2023, large companies will pay the same maximum amounts for electricity and gas as households or small and medium-sized enterprises.

Large companies requesting supply at the capped price are obligated to submit an affidavit stating that they are large companies and require electricity or gas supply under the conditions set for large companies.

Apart from capping of energy price, additional forms of support are granted, such as Call I. Energy savings within the implementation of OP TAK 2023-2027 or Call I. to support the modernisation of heat distribution in district heating systems in industry from the National Renewal Plan.

What other forms of support are granted, how to proceed to receive support and many more can be found in our brief summary.

The PEYTON legal team is available to help you with the capping of energy prices and receiving support.

For more information click on the picture below.
